Bridge Receiving Center

Bridge Receiving Center provides a healing start for children entering foster care.

They have a therapeutic transitional residential program that allows kids to de-stress (after just being taken from their unsafe living situations) and to be loved as they learn to regulate emotions, eating habits, bathing habits, and interactions with others. 

You name the issue, and the Bridge staff has helped a child through it!


Why is Bridge’s work important?

Children entering foster care often spend their first days and weeks bouncing between child welfare offices, motels, shelters, and emergency care facilities with little chance to get their questions answered, let alone process the recent trauma they have experienced.

Bridge Receiving Center is a safe, soft place to land – with all of the therapeutic tools and inputs the kids need.  Kids can go there immediately (instead of bouncing around in the system), and get cared for and loved.


In addition, Bridge partners with a children’s camp where kids can engage in fun and challenging activities as they decompress and process their trauma.


After 20-60 days when kids leave Bridge, they have:

• Reduced trauma.
• Stability through trauma-responsive support during their stay at Bridge.
• Increased sense of felt safety for a child during transition.
• Togetherness – Bridge has the ability to keep siblings together.
• The best option to go to (not just the first available placement).  


We are delighted to support Bridge Receiving Center

and all of the precious kids they serve!


to do good




the oppressor


the fatherless


for the widow